A new version release of Plant Base for Windows and Mac is now available for download, 2.1.9.

Plant Base 2.1.9 screenshot

This is mostly another maintenance release with some bug fixes.  There are also a couple of additional new features.

The plant list data details tab now has a choice of two different view types – either the original “grid” view, which is unchanged, or a single record view.  For the single record view, the list records can be navigated sequentially in the same way as the main plant record.  This view is also used to enter or edit the data fields, replacing the previous separate pop-up window.

A new choice under the File menu provides a simple function to create and save copies of the current database files.  This is just a quick and convenient way to make backup files or save copies in a chosen location as preparation for transferring to another system.

There are also a number of minor fixes and adjustments for the user interface.

Along with the program version is a new release of the plant database, number 28.  There are a few new plants and pictures, although not a great many.  However, there have been quite a lot of amendments and corrections to existing records.   Some plants have had the inevitable name changes and re-classification since the last release of the database, so they have been included whenever I’ve noticed them in reference material.


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